Friday, November 16, 2007

Church Plant Day 43 (297 Days to Launch)

What are we about?

What is is Riverpark Community Church?
It is an organization that creates environments that lead people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

What is the problem?
People are going to hell and life is hell without God. The reality: that statement may be true for 90% of the people in our community. Barna research estimates that 39% of the West attends church. There are 130 evangelical churches serving a population of 500,000 people in the Ventura/Oxnard Metro area (Ojai to Newberry Park). If 39% of the population were going to church every church in our area would have 1500 people in average attendance. Is there a church in our area that has 1500 people in attendance?

What is the solution?
The solution is to multiply the number of churches in our community. The mission of Riverpark Community Church is to transform the Pacific Rim by planting churches in urban coastal communities from California to Canada. The 14 mile strip of land along the coast contains some of the most influential and populous communities of North America. Its influence radiates across North America and the Pacific. It is where I believe that the kingdom kind of life that Jesus promised has had the smallest market-share. Riverpark Community Church is the beginning of a church multiplying movement to change that.

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