Monday, September 15, 2008


Skittles is one or our family's favorite games. Ever noticed that some of simplest games are the best--like who came up with mancala? In Merdel's Skittles a top is spun to knock over pins in a wooden game board. Each pin is worth different points. The hardest pin to knock over is worth 100. I don't know if this game is still available, we inherited it from a great friend and teacher, Cheryl Draughon, who said it originally belonged to her mother.

Every one of my family members has their own unique way of wrapping the string around the top for optimal performance. Optimum is a steady spinning top that moves to the back of the game board where the higher points are. It's hard to find a game that everyone in the family enjoys and can play--especially when the age spread is 3 to 30 something.

What are some of your favorite family games?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Launch Sunday!

6 weeks ago we had no sound system, no cast, no vocalists, no Kidstuf dancers, no greeters, no tech people, no set, no kidstuf director (or at least she hadn't started yet) and today we had our first Kidstuf production at River Park Community Church. Zero to full production in six weeks--that is an amazing feat. As noted by Jeff Cowan--putting this caliber of sound & audio system together was nothing less than supernatural. Putting a production like Kidstuf together in less than 6 weeks was nothing less than supernatural.

Some facts:
5:3oam our trailer was picked up from storage.
6:00am: set-up began and was finished by 7:30am
10am over 120 people shared an expereince together called Kidstuf and learned that: "God knows everything, so we should learn what He says."
At least 4 families came from the surrounding neighborhood in response to post cards that were passed out on Friday and our signs on Sunday morning. And . . . they registered their children for Upstreet.
By noon everything was taken down and loaded into the trailer, while our sound system was tuned for the room.
At 1:30pm I enjoyed lunch with my family.

Great work by an amazing team of people! We are praying that impossible things would happen through River Park Community Church so that there is no mistaking who gets all the glory.